Contact Us
Physical location:
13646 Perkins Rd.
St. George, LA 70810
Mailing Address:
PO Box 82114
St. George, LA 70884
Phone: (225) 228.3200
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Planning & Zoning
For guidance with planning & zoning procedures and required applications, please contact us.
Our staff highly recommends pre-application conferences to discuss proposed developments.
Applications & Brochures
P&Z Notices
Planning & Zoning Commissions
The Planning & Zoning Commissions (P&Z) hear requests for conditional use permits, planned unit developments, rezonings, site plans, and subdivisions.
Billy J Aguillard, Chair
Jason McAllister
Bobby McKey
Laurie Nelson Marien
Travis Thornton
BOA Notices
Approved minutes
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment (BOA) hears requests for variances to the City of St. George Unified Development Code.
Braden Jones
Shelia Lewis
Christina Peck, Chair
Robert Douglas
Sam Speer, Chair